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The ls Command

The chibi ls command is used to retrieve a list of anime or manga based on the specified type and status. It supports detailed filtering options to help you find media you are currently engaging with, planning to watch or read, or have already completed.


$ chibi list [flags]


The command supports the following aliases for convenience:

  • list
  • ls


-h, --help

Provides help information for the chibi list command. Use this flag to display details about how the command works and the options available.

$ chibi list --help

-s, --status string

Filters the media list based on its current status. You can use the full status name or the shorthand notation for ease of use. The available status options are:

  • watching or w: Currently watching anime or reading manga.
  • planning or p: Planning to watch or read in the future.
  • completed or c: Finished watching or reading.
  • dropped or d: Dropped media that you don't plan to continue.
  • paused or ps: Temporarily paused media.
  • repeating or rp: Media you are rewatching or rereading.


chibi list --status completed

-t, --type string

Specifies the type of media to list. Use the full name or shorthand notation:

  • anime or a: Filters for anime.
  • manga or m: Filters for manga.

If no type is specified, the default type is anime.


chibi list --type manga

Combined Example

You can combine --status and --type flags to further narrow your results. For instance:

chibi list --status watching --type anime

This command will display a list of anime that you are currently watching.


  • The default status is watching.
  • The default type is anime.

Example of Default Usage

chibi list

This command will list anime that you are currently watching by default.


The output of the chibi list command is a detailed list of media that matches the specified criteria, including information like the title, progress, and any additional metadata associated with the media.

    ID               TITLE                │PROGRESS│
  107660              BEASTARS  2/12

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