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The help Command

The help command provides information about the usage of a specific command, including available arguments, flags, and a brief description of its functionality. For example:

$ chibi --help
# Chibi for AniList - A lightweight anime & manga tracker CLI app powered by AniList.

# Usage:
#   chibi [flags]
#   chibi [command]

# Available Commands:
#   add         Add a media to your list
#   help        Help about any command
#   list        List your current anime/manga list
#   login       Login with anilist
#   profile     Get's your AniList profile (requires login)
#   search      Search for anime and manga
#   update      Update a list entry

# Flags:
#   -h, --help      help for chibi
#   -v, --version   Prints the version of the app

# Use "chibi [command] --help" for more information about a command.


Your output might differ from the example above as new commands and flags may be added in future updates

You can also use the shorthand syntax for the same command:

$ chibi -h

Command-Specific help

The help command can also provide details about individual commands. Use the syntax chibi <command> --help to get more specific information. For example:

$ chibi profile --help
# Get's your AniList profile (requires login)

# Usage:
#   chibi profile [flags]

# Flags:
#   -h, --help   help for profile

Shorthand Syntax Options

The help command can be invoked in various formats, all of which work the same way. For instance:

# All works the same
$ chibi profile --help

$ chibi profile -h

$ chibi help profile

Released under GNU GPL-3.0 license